GraphDB-Neo4J Cypher Query handbook
This handbook serves as a comprehensive reference for Cypher queries in Neo4j, covering CRUD operations, relationships, constraints, querying techniques, and advanced query optimizations. Whether a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide will help you efficiently manage data in Neo4j.
Creating Nodes
Create Node without a label
create ()
Note: Nodes without labels are rarely useful in real-world applications.
Create a Node with a Label
create (st:Student),(sub:Subject) return st, sub
Labeling nodes help categorize data effectively and improve query performance.
Retrieve All Nodes
match (x) return x;
Retrieve Nodes by Label
match (st: Student) return st;
match (sub: Subject) return sub;
Create Node with Properties
create (st:Student{name: 'abc'}) return st
create (st:Student{name: 'def'}) return st
Retrieve Nodes by Property
match (st:Student) where'abc' return st
Retrieve Nodes by ID
Note — (Neo4J creates an ID for each node)
match (st:Student) where ID(st)=10 return st
Creating Relationships
Create a Node and Relationship
create (st:Student{name: 'abc'})-[:IS_LEARNING]->(sub:Subject{sub_name:"Math"})
return st, sub
Create a Relationship with Properties
create (st:Student{name: 'def'})-[:IS_LEARNING{marks: 90}]->(sub:Subject{
sub_name:"Math"}) return st, sub
Create Multiple Relationships
create (dep: Department{dep_name: "Computer Science"})
<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(st:Student{name: 'def'})-[:IS_LEARNING{marks: 90}]->
(sub:Subject{sub_name:"Math"}) return st, sub, dep
Retrieving Data
Retrieve All Students with Any Relationship
match (st:Student)-[:IS_LEARNING]->(node)
return st,node
Retrieve Students Learning ‘Math’
match (st:Student)-[:IS_LEARNING]->(sub:Subject)
where sub.sub_name="Math"
return st;
Retrieve Students with Multiple Relationships
match (st:Student)-[:IS_LEARNING | :BELONGS_TO ]->(node)
return st,node
Retrieve all Students with relationships (with neo4j Browser setting off)
match (st:Student)-[rel:IS_LEARNING | BELONGS_TO ]->(node)
return st,node,rel
Updating Relationships
Update Relationship Properties
match (st:Student)-[rel:IS_LEARNING]->(sub:Subject{sub_name:'Mysql'})
where ID(st)=13
set rel.progress="50%", rel.marks=80
return st,sub ,rel
Delete Relationship Properties
match (st:Student)-[rel:IS_LEARNING]->(sub:Subject{sub_name:'Mysql'})
where ID(st)=13
remove rel.progress
return st,sub ,rel
Delete relationship
match (st:Student)-[rel:IS_LEARNING]->(sub:Subject{sub_name:'Mysql'})
where ID(st)=13
delete rel
return st,sub
Check relationship after deletion
match (st:Student)-[rel]->(sub)
where ID(st)=13
return st,sub ,rel
Update Relationship Type
match (st:Student)-[oldRel:IS_LEARNING]->(sub:Subject{sub_name:'PHP'})
where ID(st)=13
merge (st)-[newRel:WAS_LEARNING]->(sub)
set newRel= oldRel
delete oldRel
return sub,st,newRel
match (st:Student)-[rel]->(sub)
where ID(st)=13
return sub,st,rel
Deleting Nodes and Relationships
Delete a Node with Relationships
match (st:Student{name: 'Martin'})-[rel]->(sub)
where ID(st)=10
delete st
It will throw an exception, as deleting a node that has a relationship, will fail. For this, we also require to del the relationship.
match (st:Student{name: 'Martin'})-[anyRel]->(sub)
where ID(st)=10
delete st,anyRel
match (st:Student{name: 'Martin'})-[anyRel]->(sub)
where ID(st)=10
return st,anyRel,sub
Delete All Nodes Without Relationships
match (node) delete node
Delete All Nodes and Relationships
match (node)-[rel]-(node1) delete node,rel,node1
Delete node with and without relationship — in a single shot
match (n) return n
There are two options:
- Optional Match
match (anyNode)-[anyRel]-(node1)
optional match (node)
delete anyNode,anyRel,node
- Detach Delete
match (node) detach delete node
Constraints and Indexes
- Unique Constraints
- Property Existence Constraints
- Node Key Constraints
- Show Constraints
- Drop Constraints
Unique Constraints on node property only
create constraint sub_name_unique For (sub:Subject)
Require sub.sub_name is unique
For older versions of Neo4J —
create constraint sub_name_unique on (sub:Subject)
assert(sub.sub_name) is unique
To test the above constraint, run the query below twice.
create (sub:Subject{sub_name:'Neo4j'})
Let's try to create a subject without property sub_name, above constraint will not work for null
create (sub: Subject)
Property Existence Constraints
create constraint st_name_exist for (st:Student)
Require IS NOT NULL;
To test the above constraint, run the command below.
create (st:Student)
It failed because of the constraint, let's run the same query with the required property “name”
create (st:Student{name:'Rahul'})
Query All Students
match(x:Student) return x
Relationship Constraint (Mandatory Field in Relationship)
create constraint learning_marks_exist FOR ()-[rel:IS_LEARNING]-()
Require rel.marks IS NOT NULL
To test above constraint — run below command
match (st:Student{name:'Rahul'}),(sub:Subject{sub_name:'Neo4j'})
merge (st)-[rel:IS_LEARNING]->(sub)
return st,sub,rel
The above command failed because of missing required relationship property.
match (st:Student{name:'Rahul'}),(sub:Subject{sub_name:'Neo4j'})
merge (st)-[rel:IS_LEARNING{marks:80}]->(sub)
return st,sub,rel
Node Key Constraint (Unique + Not Null)
create constraint student_id_node_key For (st:Student)
Require st.student_id is node key
Multiple properties constraints (like a composite key)
create constraint student_id_birth_year_node_key For (st:Student)
Require (st.student_id , st.birth_year) is node key
List all the constraints
show constraints
Drop the constraint
drop constraint st_name_exist
List all constraints — To check above one deleted
Query Optimization Techniques
String Matching
Property Contains String
match (st:Student)-[rel]->(sub) where CONTAINS 'tin'
return st,rel,sub
Case-Insensitive Matching
match (st:Student)-[rel]->(sub)
where toUpper( CONTAINS 'TIN'
return st,rel,sub
Starts With
match (st:Student)-[rel]->(sub)
where starts with 'R'
return st,rel,sub
match (st:Student)-[rel]->(sub)
where toLower( starts with 'r'
return st,rel,sub
Ends with
match (st:Student) where ends with ‘esh’ return st
match (st:Student)-[rel]-(sub) return st,rel,sub
match (st:Student)-[rel]-(sub) return count(
match (st:Student) return as country, count( as `Number of Students`
Summing Relationship Properties
match (st:Student)-[rel:IS_LEARNING]-(sub)
return as Name, sum(rel.marks) as Marks
match (st:Student)
with distinct as Name
return Name
match(st:Student) return st skip 0 limit 2
match(st:Student) return st skip 2 limit 4
match(st:Student) return st order by asc
This handbook provides a solid foundation for working with Neo4j’s Cypher query language. It covers fundamental concepts, query optimizations, and best practices to help you efficiently model and retrieve data in Neo4j.