Abstraction in Elixir

Ritresh Girdhar
2 min readApr 22, 2022


👋 Viewer, I am sharing knowledge on how to bring abstraction between controller and downstream service in Elixir. It might help those developers who are new to Elixir and coming from the OOPS background.

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In OOPS, the Abstraction principle is easy to understand and implement. We have interfaces/abstract classes and concrete classes to implement those. Example:


We could achieve a similar abstraction in Elixir via @behaviour

Let’s take an example of the Offer Management System, getting offers from downstream systems based on some business logic.

defmodule Offers do
@doc """
Get offers from various downstream systems
@callback fetch(OffersRequest) :: {:ok, OffersResponse} | {:error, String.t}

Modules adopting the Offers behavior will have to implement all the functions defined with the @callback attribute (similar to the interface implementation in OOPS)

DownstreamOfferSystem1 & DownstreamOfferSystem2 will be invoking their respective endpoints.

defmodule DownstreamOfferSystem1 do
@doc """
Get offers from various Downstream systems1
@behaviour Offers

@impl true
def fetch(%OffersRequest{}) do
# invoke downstream system
# parse response in OffersResponse
defmodule DownstreamOfferSystem2 do
@doc """
Get offers from various Downstream systems2
@behaviour Offers

@impl true
def fetch(%OffersRequest{}) do
# invoke downstream system 2
# parse response in OffersResponse

Let's add the Dynamic dispatcher in `Offers.ex`

defmodule Offers do
@doc """
Get offers from various downstream systems
@callback fetch(OffersRequest) :: {:ok, OffersResponse} | {:error, String.t}
def fetch!(implementation, %OffersRequest{} = or) do
case implementation.fetch(or) do
{:ok, %OffersResponse{}} = resp -> resp
{:error, _} = e -> e

Configure the default offer system in the ‘config.exs’

config :app, active_offer_client DownstreamOfferSystem2

Parent Function will look like this — (return offers from DownstreamOfferSystem2)

defmodule Service dorequire Logger
alias Offers
def get_offer() dowith {:ok, client} <- get_active_offer_client,
{:ok, req} <- get_offer_request,
{:ok, %OffersResponse{} } = resp <- Offers.fetch(client,req) do
{:error, err} -> Logger.error(" caught exception ... fallback handling #{inspect(err)}")
defp get_active_offer_client do
{:ok,Application.get_env(:app, :active_offer_client)}

Thanks for reading!



Ritresh Girdhar
Ritresh Girdhar

Written by Ritresh Girdhar

Father || Coder || Engineer || Learner || Reader || Writer || Silent Observer

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